When it comes to this time of year I go into hibernation/nesting mode. I want to make the house look as nice and homely as possible, after all I will be spending most of my time sat in front of the fire looking out at the gloomy weather so its worth investing in a few nice bits to warm up the house.
I was contacted by http://www.livelaughlove.co.uk and was asked if I was interested in looking at their website and sampling an item. This was perfect timing and once I had a quick peek at the website I was sold, shabby chic at its best - my favorite!
I chose this really sweet jug which I knew would look nice with a single rose or a small bunch of flowers. Polka dots, flowers and hearts, whats not to like?
Of course I tested it out in a few places around the house, its home is now on the fireplace in the lounge.
I am always a bit cautious about purchasing items like this online, I am never confident that the item will arrive in one piece. The jug however was sufficiently wrapped and secure in the box so no problems there.
So now I have my first piece from http://www.livelaughlove.co.uk whats next? well I have had a good snoop around the website and I really like the vintage bathroom accessories, signs and frames (see below). The only downside is that there is too much choice! I want to buy it all! ah well it is Christmas soon......
Visit http://www.livelaughlove.co.uk to view the whole range or click here to take you directly to the jug